Yipirinya School employs 110 staff of whom 65% are Aboriginal.
Yipirinya School is registered as an Independent non-government school and is governed by a School Council. The School Council is an Incorporated body with its members representing the language groups taught at Yipirinya. All members are Aboriginal and are parents or carers of children at the School.
Yipirinya’s Family Liaison Team are vital to successfully engaging families and their children in education.
Liaison Officers assist with communication with parents and build relationships with the town camps and outstations.
The team has strong connection with the families and communities and our active connecting with them on a daily basis.
This results in trusting relationships which enhances the connection of families, the enrolment of students and student attendance.
Students are picked up and dropped home everyday. Our bus drivers have local knowledge and a strong commitment to students. Some buses start picking students up at 6am for those who live a longer distance from school.
Run by our Inclusion and Wellbeing Team, the Happy Heart Hub aims to assist to removeg barriers that prevent students from participating in education.
The school is registered as an independent non-government school and is governed by a School Council.
We acknowledge and pay respect to the founders of Yipirinya School and the important work that they, and those who have followed them, have done in keeping language and culture strong since 1978.
© 2025 Yipirinya School
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices, names and artwork of deceased people.